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  3. Maintenance and sharpening of flying saw blades

Flying saw blades, as the right hand of the woodworking industry, will inevitably be worn after long-term use.In order to ensure that they continue to provide us with ideal cutting effects, regular maintenance and care are indispensable.Next, we will reveal the maintenance tips for flying saw blades for you:

 **1. Regular cleaning**:

After each use, saw blades may accumulate sawdust, oil or other impurities on the surface.These stains not only affect the cutting accuracy, but also may shorten the service life of the saw blades.Therefore, after each use, it is recommended to use brushes or compressed air to remove the impurities on the surface of the saw blades to ensure that they are as clean as new.

 **2. Timely repair and replacement**:

If the saw blades have a gap, deformation or more serious damage, they should be treated in a timely manner.Slight damage can be repaired by professional abrasives, but if the damage is serious, it is recommended that you replace the saw blades with new ones to ensure cutting quality and safety.

 **3. Keep sharp**:

Sharp saw blades can not only make cutting more smooth, but also reduce material waste.Therefore, it is necessary to grind the saw blades regularly.You can choose professional grinders or manual grinding tools to ensure that each tooth maintains its original sharpness.

 **4. Storage precautions**:

When the saw blades are not used temporarily, the correct storage method is particularly key. It is recommended to use closed packaging or special saw boxes to avoid moisture, dust and other corrosive substances.

 **5. Safety operation tips**:

 When using flying saw blades, safety is always the primary consideration.To ensure safety during operation, please be sure to follow the safety operation procedures and equip yourself with appropriate protective equipment.At the same time, avoid loading the saw blades with loads beyond their capacity to prevent excessive wear and tear.

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 Correct maintenance plays an important role in prolonging the service life of flying saw blades and improving cutting effects. Regular cleaning, timely repair, keeping the teeth sharp, reasonable storage and always following the safety operation procedures are the key to maintaining flying saw blades.Through these methods, you can not only effectively prolong the service life of the saw blades, but also ensure the quality and safety of cutting effects.

 In summary, correct maintenance and maintenance are necessary conditions to ensure stable performance, good cutting effects and safe use of flying saw blades.

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