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  3. Operating Procedures for Detection Machine

. Operation Procedures

1. Turn on the power, start the computer, and click on the detection system.

2. Select the appropriate flange disk according to the specifications of the saw blade.

3. Choose the appropriate core sleeve based on the inner hole of the saw blade (the gap between the inner hole and the core sleeve is in accordance with the tolerance fit standard).

4. Mount the saw blade onto the flange disk.

5. Click on information on the computer and enter the data of the saw blade for future reference.

6. Click on runout detection, enter the detection system, zero the sensor, click start, press the start button at the bottom right to conduct a normal test, and save the data obtained.

7. Click on stress test, enter the detection system, click start, confirm to start the test when the saw blade completes one rotation on the flange disk, and save the data obtained.

8. Click on frequency and decay test, enter the detection system, click start, use a rubber hammer to tap the saw blade with the back handle of the hammer at 180° to generate a signal, and save the data obtained.

9. After completing the tests, click on save all, and exit the detection system.

. Process and Quality Control Requirements

1. Runout tolerance: ±0.02mm.

2. Sensor measurement tolerance: ±0.002mm.

3. Select a flange disk that is 1/3 of the diameter of the saw blade.

Maintenance and Precautions

1. Clean the equipment at the beginning and end of each shift.

2. If there are any abnormal noises during operation, stop the machine immediately to check and troubleshoot before restarting.

3. Wipe the sensor clean with a soft cloth to remove dust.

4. Apply rust preventive oil to the saw blade core sleeve when not in use for storage.

5. Check the equipment accuracy at least once, and repair immediately if it does not meet the requirements.

6. Apply rust preventive oil to the flange disk to prevent rust.

7. Apply grease to the rails.

double side grinding machine

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